The Miscellaneous volume consist of 44 images, 16 color and 28 monochrome. The sizes are 14 256x256, 26 512x512, and 4 1024x1024.
Download the full Miscellaneous volume in compressed Gnu tar or Zip format (12.4MB):
Please note that we no longer distribute the following images that were previously available in our database: 4.2.04 (lena), 4.2.02 (tiffany), elaine.512, numbers.512 and testpat.1k. Although these images have played a significant role in the history of image processing, they no longer represent the best examples for future research.
For individual images, first click on the image name at the left of each line below to see a 200x200 pixel preview of the image. The 24-bit color images have reduced to 8 bits/pixel for previewing purposes.
Filename Description Size Type 4.1.01 Female (NTSC test image) 256 Color 4.1.02 Couple (NTSC test image) 256 Color 4.1.03 Female (from Bell Labs?) 256 Color 4.1.04 Female 256 Color 4.1.05 House 256 Color 4.1.06 Tree 256 Color 4.1.07 Jelly beans 256 Color 4.1.08 Jelly beans 256 Color 4.2.01 Splash 512 Color 4.2.03 Mandrill (a.k.a. Baboon) 512 Color
Airplane (F-16)
512x512 pixels, 768kb
Color (24 bits/pixel)
4.2.06 Sailboat on lake 512 Color 4.2.07 Peppers 512 Color 5.1.09 Moon surface 256 Gray 5.1.10 Aerial 256 Gray 5.1.11 Airplane 256 Gray 5.1.12 Clock 256 Gray 5.1.13 Resolution chart 256 Gray 5.1.14 Chemical plant 256 Gray 5.2.08 Couple (NTSC test image) 512 Gray 5.2.09 Aerial 512 Gray 5.2.10 Stream and bridge 512 Gray 5.3.01 Male 1024 Gray 5.3.02 Airport 1024 Gray 7.1.01 Truck 512 Gray 7.1.02 Airplane 512 Gray 7.1.03 Tank 512 Gray 7.1.04 Car and APCs 512 Gray 7.1.05 Truck and APCs 512 Gray 7.1.06 Truck and APCs 512 Gray 7.1.07 Tank 512 Gray 7.1.08 APC 512 Gray 7.1.09 Tank 512 Gray 7.1.10 Car and APCs 512 Gray 7.2.01 Airplane (U-2) 1024 Gray boat.512 Fishing Boat 512 Gray house House 512 Color gray21.512 21 level step wedge 512 Gray ruler.512 Pixel ruler 512 Gray