“Design of Optimal FIR Prefilters for Wavelet Coefficient Computation”
by Xiang-Gen Xia, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and Zhen Zhang
June 1992
An algorithm was proposed by Shensa for computing the coefficients of wavelet series transform (WST) or continuous wavelet transform (CWT). With the Shensa algorithm, we first perform filtering on a sampled discrete-time signal and then apply the Mallat's discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithm to the filtered sequence, where the prefiltering is used to reduce the approximation error between the computed and desired coefficients. In this research, we consider the design of optimal causal and noncausal FIR prefilters which reduce the approximation error as much as possible with a fixed filter length. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the performance of the designed optimal prefilters.