The USC Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering USC Signal and Image Processing Institute USC Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Southern California

Technical Report USC-SIPI-164

“On the Spectrum of a Family of Preconditioned Block Toeplitz Matrices”

by Takang Ku and C.-C. Jay Kuo

November 1990

Research on preconditioning Toeplitz matrices with circulant matrices has been active recently. The preconditioning technique can be easily generalized to block toeplitz matrices. That is, for a block Toeplitz matrix T consisting of N × N blocks with M × M elements per block, we can use a block circulant matrix R with the same block structure as its preconditioner. In this research, we examine the spectral clustering property of the preconditioned matrix R-1T with T generated by two-dimensional rational functions T(zx, zy) of order (px, qx, py, qy). We show that the eigenvalues of R-1T are clustered around unity except at most O(M gy + N gx) outliers, where gx = max(px, qx) and gy = max(py, qy). Furthermore, if T is separable, the outliers are clustered together such that R-1T has at most (2gx + 1) (2gy + 1) asymptotic distinct eigenvalues. The superior convergence behavior of the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method over the conjugate gradient (CG) method is explained by a smaller condition number and a better clustering property of the spectrum of the preconditioned matrix R-1T.

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